[구인공고] Trading Coordinator (ENI Trading Corp.)

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토론토 [구인공고] Trading Coordinator (ENI Trading Corp.)

페이지 정보

작성자 CBM PRESS TORON… 댓글 0건 조회 5,319회 작성일 17-12-06 18:13


ENI Trading Corp.
2425 Matheson Blvd East, 8th floor,
Mississauga, ON L4W 5K4
ENI Trading Corp. is a dynamic and growing commodity trading firm in the steel products sector. With annual sales of over $50 million, we are currently looking to expand our team and business. ENI connects customers and suppliers internationally through integrity, hard work, and an absolute commitment to service.
Position Type: Full Time
Trading Coordinator
Job Description

  • Obtain market information for business development purposes
  • Support the sales team developing new client & customers in North America
  • Provide continuous customer service and monitoring of active international shipments
  • Manage export/import documentation including BOLs, Commercial Invoices, Packing Lists, Certificates of Origin, Bank Drafts etc.
  • Complete all documentation according to Letter of Credit
  • Support sales team with sales/purchase documentations including Order Acknowledgement, Sales Contract, Purchase Orders etc.
  • Participation in cross-functional transportation business, and manage inventory control, line feeds, metrics and etc.
  • Manage all port processing from oversea, and manage our products to be delivery in safe, accurate within timely manner.
  • Communicate regularly with various supplier/customers such as sales, procurement, shipping and receiving etc.
  • Schedule domestic pickups and deliveries
  • Supervising all the logistic paths, and make sure all products are delivered to our customer and partners on time.
  • Plan and schedule fleet pickups at vendor locations


  • Must be eligible to work in Canada ; Post-Graduation work permit or permanent resident required
  • Preferred Education: Diploma/Bachelor’s degree highly preferred
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to establish relationships
  • Ability to work and be productive in a team oriented environment
  • Capable of working in a fast paced, intense environment and meet timelines
  • High attention to detail, takes initiative
  • Analytical and problem solving skills
  • Proficient with PCs
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office software programs
  • Ability to travel
  • Driver’s license is a plus
  • Required language
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Korean


  • CAD$40,000 ~ Negotiable

Career Benefit

  • ENI Trading Corp provides competitive employee benefits package in the regions and industries in which we have a presence. Our wide range of employee services, health plan, and other benefit plans are designed to help eligible employees make the best their work environment.

Health Benefit plan

  • We provide family coverage plan include dental, vision care, massage therapy and etc. for all employees to keep their family healthy and enjoy their life.
  • ENI Trading Corp offers each and every one of its members a positive work environment and a continued stable growth, which allows ENI Trading Corp to support its members that want to develop expertise in global merchandising.

How to Apply?

  • You can start by sending resume/Cover letter to admin@enitc.ca Apply by December 15th, 2017
  • Regarding recruitment, we will contact candidates individually.

  • 트위터로 보내기
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  • 구글플러스로 보내기
  • 카카오톡으로 보내기

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Total 432건 11 페이지
토론토 뉴스 목록

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2017년12월11일, 월요일, 연방 재무 장관과 주 및 준주 간의 회의에서 캐나다에서 2018년부터 합법화 된 weeds 를 구입하려면 그램 당 $10를 지불하게 된다고 정부에서 밝혔다고 하는데요. 여기서 지방정부는 세금 수입의 75%를 연방정부는 세금 수입의 25%를 받는다고 밝혔다고 해요. 좀 더 자세히...

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[구인공고] Trading Coordinator (ENI Trading Corp.)

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작성자: TORONTO_HN, 작성일: 11-30, 조회: 4480
토론토시는 파일럿 프로젝트를 실시해서 실시간 교통량에 따라 알아서 신호가 바뀌는 최첨단 신호등을 22개 주요 교차로에 설치한다고 하네요. 얼마전 존 토리 토론토 시장이 영 스트리트와 영 블루버드 교차로에서 공식적으로 첫 신호등의 스위치를 켰다고 해요. 다른 신호등은 향후 몇주안에 교체될 예정입니다. 지금 현재...
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CBM PRESS TORONTO - 2024년 05월호 CBM TORONTO (Vol.116)
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