Uber Launches Cheap Shared Carpool in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal

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Uber Launches Cheap Shared Carpool in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal

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작성자 vancouver 댓글 0건 조회 445회 작성일 23-02-06 10:27


Uber Launches Cheap Shared Carpool in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal

A cheaper option to travel by Uber will be available later this week in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, with passengers basically having access to the service via carpool.

Uber announced today that its new UberX share service allows passengers to receive up to 20% upfront discounts if they choose this option from the app. Also, passengers receive an additional 5% discount if they have an Uber One membership. Uber X-Share emphasizes that it does not cover the entire existing general Uber service area in the metropolitan area, such as Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, so it has its own operational boundaries.

Within Metro Vancouver, UberX Share covers all of Vancouver City (except Stanley Park), the University of British Columbia campus and the westernmost areas of Burnaby, including Land within University, Brentwood and Metrotown. In Greater Toronto, optional services are only available within the city of Toronto. 

UberX Share replaces Toronto's UberPool, which was suspended due to COVID-19 in 2020. For the Montreal area, it will be available within the geographically central area of Montreal Island, surrounded by the St. Lawrence River to the south, Rivier de Prairie to the north, Pi 9 to the east, Cavendish and 32e Avenue to the west.

Like carpooling, UberX Share works by sharing the rides of multiple individual groups of passengers travelling or "along the road" in essentially the same general direction. Of course, there is an environmental advantage of this choice because more people are traveling in fewer cars and effectively reduce some emissions. 

The main drawback of ride sharing is increased travel time. Uber X Share takes about six minutes to travel if matched. "We know that economics plays a role when people make decisions about how to get from point A to point B," Uber Canada Mobility's general manager Michael Van Hemen said in a statement. "This new shared ride option will provide a cheaper and more sustainable experience for passengers and the cities we serve," he said.

Drivers are encouraged to drive to UberX Share with a $1 pickup incentive when picking up a second passenger.


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Uber Launches Cheap Shared Carpool in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal

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